Public Hearing Information

Staff in our Development Services Department are available to assist if you have questions or need more information regarding a particular bylaw or Public Hearing procedure.  In accordance with the formal process for Public Hearings laid out in the Local Government Act, once a Public Hearing has been closed, no members of Council can either receive or respond to any further input, comments or questions regarding the bylaw(s) considered at the Hearing.

Click the linked images below for more information on Electronic Public Hearings and Public Hearings in general: 

Virtual Public Hearing_graphic
Public Hearing Information Sheet
Public Hearing Process Policy_graphic

Public Hearings:

Section 94 of the Community Charter requires that public (statutory) notices such as for Public Hearings, are posted in a specific way and within a specific timeline.  The Town's process is outlined in "Public Notice Bylaw 2022, No. 2119" (the Town's website and the local newspaper).

1. A Public Hearing will be held regarding Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 2185 
Public Hearing Notice Public Hearing Notice Bylaw No. 2185
Bylaw Bylaw No. 2185
Council Reports & Minutes  Council Meeting Minutes - June 27, 2024
Staff Report to Council - June 27, 2024
Public Submissions  There are no Public Submissions at this time. 

Special Notices:

Notice of Development Variance Permit:
Please be advised that the Town of Ladysmith has received an application for a variance to "Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw 2014, No. 1860" for the property at 1010 Ludlow Road (see the Notice below for the location of the subject property).
Notice of Development Variance Permit 24-07 1010 Ludlow Road
DRAFT Development Variance Permit 24-01 1010 Ludlow Road
There are no submissions at this time.