Stay Engaged!

The Official Community Plan Review involved opportunities to participate at every step of the process, with activities ranging from more online surveys and virtual discussions, to interactive walking tours and in-person design workshops once it is safe to meet in person.

Sign up for the Town's Newsletter to stay up-to-date on the OCP Review.  The draft document is being considered by Council in early Fall 2022. 

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Creating the Plan

The draft OCP was created with input from partners and hundreds of voices in Ladysmith, bringing together community input, robust analysis, and modelling. The process included:

• Knowledge gathering and analysis of existing conditions;
• Evaluation of different land use scenarios;
• Greenhouse gas emissions inventory and modelling of different scenarios, including both “business as usual” and “low carbon” pathways;
• A detailed exploration into active transportation challenges and opportunities in Ladysmith; and
• Creation of the Plan itself.

Members of Council, staff, and the consulting team also participated in “decolonization in local government workshops” to learn and practice skills in cross-cultural relationship building, and to develop recommendations for the OCP process as well as the Town of Ladysmith’s overall practices.

OCP Draft Engagement June 2022 web

(Click the image below to open the document)

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Engagement Summary

The Town's Official Community Plan Review involved a variety of public engagement opportunities to gather feedback on the communities' priorities. 

These initiatives included: 
- OCP launch survey
- Oot and About Visual Mapping Survey
- Big Ideas Fair 
- Walkshops
- Key partner sessions
- Virtual student workshops

The Engagement Summary offers insight into the vision and opinions of what community members would like to see as the future of Ladysmith. As always, we're interested in hearing your feedback. Consider sending an email to or 
2021.11.29 Ladysmith OCP Engagement Summary_cover page