Ladysmith Parks, Recreation & Culture is bursting with recreational activities and fun-filled events for all ages! The Department is committed to enhancing the health and quality of life of the community through accessible programs, services, facilities and open spaces.


The Town boasts over 110 hectares of parks and open spaces offering seaside fun, nature experiences, playgrounds, and play fields.


Our beautiful harbour setting and hillside landscapes offer over 26 km of hiking and walking trails with easy access for residents and visitors to the many natural areas in the community.  Trail and walking routes are described below.

Sports Fields

The Town boasts over 110 hectares of parks and open spaces offering seaside fun, nature experiences, playgrounds and play fields.

Dog off leash parks & trails

Parks, Recreation and Culture recognize the importance of dogs to residents by providing five dog off-leash areas. These off-leash areas are a safe way to exercise and socialize your dog while meeting with other dog owners. 

Facilities, Parks, Trails & Fields

The Frank Jameson Community Centre, located at 810 Sixth Avenue, is the hub of the Parks, Recreation and Culture department, with most fitness and recreation programs taking place there.
Learn more about Ladysmith's parks, trails and fields.

Special Events

There are many activities and events taking place in our facilities, parks or fields.


The Parks, Recreation and Culture department offers a wide variety of recreation, education and art programs for all ages and abilities.


The Town of Ladysmith is committed to supporting and enhancing arts and culture, and celebrating heritage in our seaside community.   

PRC Master Plan & Strategies

Created in May 2016, the Parks, Recreation & Culture Master Plan was developed for the Town of Ladysmith to provide guidance over the next ten plus years for parks, trails, recreation and cultural facilities and amenities as well as programs and services.