The Town of Ladysmith is a vibrant community nestled on the eastern shores of spectacular Vancouver Island.  With a population of approximately 8,000 people, the Town provides an inviting small town atmosphere and yet is only a short commute to all of the amenities of a major urban centre. Residents enjoy excellent community and recreational facilities, including year-round opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts.

Please note closing time is 4:00 pm.

Current Job Postings
Competition Position Closing Date Status
2025-04  Parks Maintenance Worker-Student February 20, 2025  Open 
2025-02  Parks Maintenance Worker I - Temp. Seasonal
January 31, 2025  Screening
2025-01 Fitness Attendant - Job posting - job description 
Fitness Attendant - Job Ad
Open until filled Open 
2024-76  Programmer-Health and Wellness - Job Ad
Programmer-Health-Wellness - Job Posting & Description 
January 10, 2025  Interviewing
2024-75 Receptionist II-TPT - Job Ad
Receptionist II-Job Posting & Description
January 10, 2025 Filled
2024-73  Lifeguard Instructor I (Permanent Part-Time)  Open until filled  Open
2024-68 Certified Utility Operator II - Treatment and Supply
Open until filled  Open 

Lifeguard Instructor
Aquatic Instructor
Parent-Guardian Consent Form
Open until filled  Open

The Town of Ladysmith is committed to diversity and inclusivity in our employment practices. We are an equal opportunity employer that is committed to inclusive, barrier-free recruitment and selection processes.  Accommodations, including alternative formats, are available for all parts of the recruitment and selection process. If contacted for an employment opportunity, please advise Human Resources if you require accommodation.

Legend - Completion Status
Open Resumes being accepted
Posting has closed and applications are being short listed.
Interviewing Short listed candidates have been contacted for interview.
Filled The competition has been closed. 
Cancelled Position is no longer being considered.

If you believe that the key to quality service is in valuing both the people you serve and the people who deliver the service, you belong in Ladysmith!    

All external positions available with the Town of Ladysmith are advertised. Applications for any advertised position, consisting of a cover letter and resume, must be received prior to the indicated closing date and time. 

To assist us in reducing paper use and meeting our sustainability goals, we strongly encourage applications to be submitted via email only to

We wish to express our appreciation to all applicants for their interest and effort in applying for this position and advise that only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.

We welcome general employment-related enquiries by e-mail to

View current collective agreement here: COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT 2022-2025

Any prospective employee agrees:

  • That should a position offered fall within a bargaining unit, membership is compulsory and union dues will be deducted
  • That if employed, one agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of employment as outlined in the appropriate collective agreement, if applicable, and/or the human resources policies and employment practices of the Town of Ladysmith.
  • That one may be required to show proof of the validity of driver’s licence, professional licences, and/or education when such certification constitutes a job requirement
  • That one agrees to provide proof of legal eligibility to work in Canada 
  • To provide information identifying previous and past employers, to be approached for references
  • That criminal record checks and security clearance will be required.