Apr 08, 2019

Be Bear Smart - protect people, properties and wildlife

WildSafeBC is reminding us all that bears are coming out of hibernation and now is a critical time to make sure our garbage and compost is secure. A bear accessing unnatural foods in our community puts our neighbours unnecessarily at risk. Keep your tote secure until the morning of collection.

  1. Between curbside collection days, store garbage, recyclables and compost in a manner that prevent bears and other wildlife from access it (e.g. in a secure enclosure like a shed or a garage)
  2. On the morning of the scheduled curbside collection day, place the curbside totes at the curb. Do not put totes out the night before.
  3. Minimize odours from curbside totes by keeping them clean. Freeze meat, fish, cooking oils and fruit by-products until they can be disposed.

Learn more about how to best manage bear attractants such as bird feeders, fruit trees, etc.: bearsmart.com/live/managing-attractants