Sep 25, 2020

Get engaged, Ladysmith! Two ways to have your say right now

Voicing your opinion on community matters is an important part of the decision-making process.

Did you know there are two ongoing public engagement opportunities happening right now for you to have your say?  Surveys for both the Housing Needs Assessment and Interregional BC Transit Service - CVRD and RDN are both open. 

Join the conversation today!

Housing Needs Assessment

The Town of Ladysmith in partnership with the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) is completing a Housing Needs Assessment (HNA).  The provincial government introduced the HNA in 2019 as a requirement for all municipal and regional governments. 

The Town must consider the findings from the housing report during our Official Community Plan (OCP) review. Council confirmed the kick-off for the review will be in early winter 2021. 

So why is it important that we hear from you? 

Your input and feedback helps to confirm that the data we are collecting is accurate and highlights any gaps we may have missed.  You can participate on PlaceSpeak or by picking up a copy of the survey at City Hall.

Local governments are required to collect approximately 50 distinct types of data to include in the final report.  Much of this information is already publicly available through BC Assessment, BC Stats and contained within the Statistics Canada Census. 

Being part of the public engagement process means you’re helping us plan for today for our community's future.  Surveys must be completed online, or picked up and returned to City Hall, before October 9, 2020.

Interregional BC Transit Service CVRD and RDN

BC Transit, the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD), and the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) also want to hear from you about proposed interregional transit service between the two regions.

Would you use a transit link to the airport ? What about commuting by bus to VIU?

The proposed interregional transit service would provide opportunities to travel between the Cowichan Valley and the Nanaimo region via transit.

You can provide your input by completing an online survey before October 16, 2020. 

The survey will give BC Transit customers in both regions a chance to provide feedback on the need for an interregional route including:

  • The start and final destinations;
  • Preferred trip times and;
  • The proposed fares for the service.

dedicated website is available for more information on the proposed service. 

The website offers the public a web-based map to pin the start and end of their travel.  You can also ask questions and provide comments directly to BC Transit. 

To learn more about this project and to provide your feedback through our online survey, visit: