Aug 04, 2022

'Sorting Out the Facts': Styrofoam

We know that recycling can be confusing and want to help make it easier for you. 

Every week for the next short while, the Town will be “Sorting Out the Facts” as we share information on common sources of contamination in our curbside pickup and other recycling related topics. 

These topics are based the results of our ongoing recycling audits over the summer.

All about Styrofoam

Why can’t Styrofoam go in curbside recycling?

Styrofoam is not compatible with BC’s current curbside recycling system even if the product has a resin identification code. Styrofoam breaks into smaller pieces and can contaminate curbside loads, ultimately making them unrecyclable.

Where do we dispose of Styrofoam?

Take Styrofoam to Peerless Road Recycling Centre or Junction Bottle Depot. Remove anything that is not foam such as plastic, labels, food and sort into white and coloured.

What happens to Styrofoam after you dispose of it?

After you have taken your Styrofoam to the depot, it gets sorted, compressed and bailed so it can be shipped to a re-manufacturer in Metro Vancouver or overseas to be repurposed into products like picture frames and park benches.

Are all kinds of Styrofoam accepted in the Recycle BC program?

No, the only Styrofoam accepted is the kind that snaps when you try to bend it. Recycle BC does not accept squishy Styrofoam, Styrofoam bags, or flexible wrapping. This is due to their compatibility with the recycling system. Packaging peanuts are also not accepted as they are often made from cornstarch.

For more information on Styrofoam, visit:

Focus on Materials: Foam Packaging » Recycle BC - Making a difference together.

styrofoam post