Jan 31, 2023

Town studying active transportation improvements along Dogwood Drive corridor

The Town of Ladysmith has received a $35,000 Federal grant to examine potential active transportation improvements along the Dogwood Drive corridor between Bayview Avenue and Methuen Street, as well as along Bayview Avenue.

The grant supports the completion of a roads and intersections review in this area and builds upon the findings contained within the Ladysmith Bicycle Plan; both Dogwood Drive and Bayview Avenue were identified in the plan as a priority for cycling improvements.

The funding is being provided through Infrastructure Canada’s Active Transportation Fund.

The study is expected to provide recommendations for facilitating safe bike use as well as potential crosswalk improvements, encouraging greater walkability and ensuring overall accessibility and connectivity for individuals with mobility scooters. 

The final report and supporting preliminary drawings will provide staff with the necessary information for future capital project planning.

The broad cohesiveness of this study ensures the roadway design, traffic volumes, markings, signs and signals all work in tandem.

Furthermore, Dogwood Drive is a primary point of entry into downtown Ladysmith and by encouraging cycling, walking and rolling the Town is helping to reduce unnecessary congestion and greenhouse gas emissions caused by short trips within town.

As part of the ongoing Official Community Plan (OCP) review, the Town hosted bikeshops and walkshops where the public provided feedback on improving our active transportation network. 

These recommendations are contained within the final draft that was presented to Council and  is available on the Town’s website.

For the latest news and updates, visit the Town’s website at www.ladysmith.ca, as well as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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For Information:
Mike Gregory
Communications and Engagement Specialist
mgregory@ladysmith.ca | 250.210.1740