Mar 27, 2020

Ladysmith residents must follow health order to physically distance

The message from BC’s Chief Medical Health Office has never been more loud and clear: stay home, self-isolate and maintain a distance of at least two metres from others when going out for essentials such as food, medication and toiletries. 
The Town of Ladysmith is advising residents that they must comply with the overriding provincial order to physically distance two metres from others, without any exceptions, as part of the ongoing fight to help stop the spread of COVID-19. 
On Thursday, the BC government introduced new measures under the Emergency Program Act to allow municipal bylaw officers to carry out these provincial orders regarding physical distancing, mandatory 14 day self-isolation for anyone who is returning to Canada from abroad, mass gatherings of 50 or more people. 
Ladysmith businesses are also required to comply with these orders from the Provincial Health Officer.  There are specific orders for pubs, clubs, restaurants and personal care services and others that cannot maintain the prescribed two metres for physical distancing among patrons.  
We understand these rules have had significant impact on the local economy and wish to thank local businesses who have taken the necessary steps to ensure physical distancing. 
Beyond just making a conscious effort to respect personal space, it’s strongly recommended that all Ladysmith residents avoid gathering for any reason in groups of more than two people, unless you are all family members living in the same household. 
The Town’s primary focus during the COVID-19 pandemic has been helping to limit the spread of the virus by complying with and by educating residents on these best practices as recommended by public health agencies.  
We have closed playgrounds, including the skatepark, public washrooms and all public facilities where people gather to stop residents from assembling in groups.   
In a further attempt by the Town to prevent public gatherings at this time we will be closing parking lots at Transfer Beach Park this weekend (March 28-29). 
Residents who are concerned about a public gathering are asked to report it by calling 250.519.3406 or 1.800.204.6166. 
Thank you to everyone who has been staying connected while staying in; checking in on family and neighbours; and buying only what you need right now at home. 
The BC Centre for Disease Control recommends the following hygiene practices to keep your family, and our community, healthy: 
• Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. 
• If a sink is not available, alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHR) can be used to clean hands if they are not visibly soiled. If they are visibly soiled using a wipe and then ABHR is effective. 
• Do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with unwashed hands. 
• Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow. 
• Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. Regular household cleaning products are effective against most viruses. Coronavirus is particularly sensitive to soap.
• Stay home if you are sick and away from others so you don’t pass it on.

2020.03.27 Covid_web