Mar 03, 2023

Ladysmith receiving $3.4-million from Province for infrastructure and amenities

The Province announced on Friday, March 3, 2023 that it is transferring $3,406,000 to the Town of Ladysmith as part of the Growing Communities Fund.

The funding is intended to allow the Town to address the unique demands of our infrastructure and amenities.

At the most recent Union of BC Municipalities conference, Mayor Stone advocated for an increase in funding that allows local governments greater flexibility in spending.

"We are very thankful for this allocation of funding that will help us deliver on our key infrastructure priorities in the face of rapid inflation and increasing demands due to growth and climate change," said Mayor Aaron Stone.  "We are prepared to meet the challenges ahead and this funding will help us deliver on what's most important for Ladysmith residents of today and for future generations."

The allocation of funds will align with Council’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan priorities, which are being finalized and will be presented at a future Council meeting. 


For Information:
Mike Gregory
Communications and Engagement Specialist | 250.210.1740