Jul 21, 2023

Council sets future direction for Brown Drive Park improvements

Ladysmith Council has adopted the Brown Drive Park & Kinsmen Playground Implementation Plan, setting forward a renewed direction for this well-utilized recreational greenspace.

The implementation plan organizes future improvements to the park into three phases over the next five years, or as determined by the budget process.

The amenity upgrades identified as part of Phase 1 include an accessibility audit, a bridge over the small brook, benches, a drinking fountain, parking/staging area, completion of the recreational bike trails, bike rack/repair station, and restoration work.

The Ladysmith community provided valuable input through a survey and pop-up public engagement BBQ to assist in the creation of the final plan that was presented to Council. A special thank you to the Parks, Recreation & Culture Advisory Committee who helped in the facilitation of the process, and Stz’uminus First Nation elder George Harris Sr. for his guidance.

“The implementation plan is a great example of community coming together to reinvigorate a wonderful park space for the next generation of families and local residents,” said Mayor Aaron Stone. “We’re very thankful to all the participants in the process for their input and excited about seeing this plan come to life.”

Brown Drive Park,  located on Colonia Drive, is popularized by its wide-open green space, forested area, and playground. The addition of the youth bike trails and the Storybook Walk, operated by the LRCA, has added to the distinct sense of place in recent years.

As part of the potential future priorities, the Town will look to include meaningful recognition of First Nations in the park, such as the development of interpretive elements and Hul'qumi'num language.

Although dog use was brought forward by the community during the public engagement phase, further investigation by staff is required on whether this is an appropriate use in the park. 

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For Information:
Mike Gregory
Communications and Engagement Specialist
mgregory@ladysmith.ca | 250.210.1740